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Radian Resources for Homebuyers and Homeowners

Your road to homeownership can start here. Whether you’re saving for a home or want to preserve what you’ve worked so hard for, Radian offers valuable resources.

Your First Home

Being a first-time homebuyer comes with plenty of questions and lots to consider. For instance, did you know you may be able to buy a home with just 3% down? Visit our homegenius website for helpful information and resources to help you when buying your first home.

The Steps to Buying a Home

Not sure what to expect when you buy your first home? Let us walk you through the entire process, so you can be confident in your decision.

Homeownership Education

Leverage free, online courses and learn how to establish goals, maintain a budget and avoid common homeownership pitfalls.

Housing Crisis

Affordable Housing Crisis

Learn why many are struggling to afford a home in the current market and why underrepresented communities and people of color are most affected.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act

The FCRA is a U.S. federal law that details how consumer credit information can be collected, distributed, and used.

Buying a Home: The Basics

Get a simple overview of the process

Start to Finish

Learn what steps to take, from setting a budget to closing the deal.

Closing Costs

Understand who pays what and how much.

Helpful Calculators

Try our online tools to help you determine when it makes sense to buy a home, compare your options and weigh your decision.

Buy or rent key

Buy vs. Rent

Compare the costs of both.

Monthly Payment

Determine your total monthly mortgage payment.

Save for a Downpayment

See how long it'll take to save for different downpayment amounts.

Equity & Appreciation

Explore your potential to build wealth through owning a home.

Budgeting Information

Use our helpful resources to see how PMI can help when buying a home.

Buy or Rent?

We break down the cost of both.

Downpayment Info

Even if you don't have 20% saved, you may be able to buy now with MI.

MI vs. FHA

Understand the different low downpayment financing options.

Why Mortgage Insurance?

See how Mortgage Insurance (MI) can help you with your home purchase, and when you can cancel it.

Benefits of MI

Benefits of MI

See how MI can help you buy a home without a 20% down payment.

Cancelling MI

Canceling MI

When can you cancel your MI payments?



Get answers to common MI questions.

Homebuyer Checklists

Stay organized throughout the homebuying process.

Home Features Worksheet

Let your realtor know what you want in a home.

property evaluation

Property Evaluation

Complete this checklist to easily compare the homes you see.

mortgage application checklist

Application Checklist

Gather the information typically needed to process a mortgage application.

New home

New Homeowner Checklist

Make sure you complete these tasks before you move into your new home.

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Get Your Payments Back on Track

Trouble making your monthly mortgage payments? Be sure to review these topics with your lender.