The Sales Cycle
Through real-life examples and helpful tips, you will learn practical tactics you can use to to support lead generation, prospect smarter, and gain a stronger base of connections.
Prepping to Win on the Initial Call
Even the best Loan Officers are never satisfied with their numbers, and preparation helps them reach their goals. This webinar dives into how you prepare that initial call and beyond.
Presenting for Action: More than a Pitch
In this recorded session, Rene Rodriguez dives deeper into how to create and communicate powerful presentations to influence your business outcomes.
Being Different: Selling More Using Differentiation Strategies
Buying behavior isn’t just about people and income, it is also about how dissatisfied consumers are with present alternatives. In this recorded webinar you will learn specific strategies for differentiating not only your business, but more importantly, yourself from your competition.
A Purpose Driven Career
Prepare yourself with a renewed purpose and passion for what we do and "why" we do it. In this recorded webinar, get ready to roll up your sleeves and explore your personal career purpose.