Master Policy, Delegated Authority and Early Validation Confident Coverage Application

Note - Required items have an asterisk next to them.

Please check all request types that apply*

Institution Type*

General Information

Servicing Information

Principal Place of Business Information (NMLS Street Address)

Principals - Please list the principals of your organization

Confident Coverage Contact

Electronic Billing (E-Bill) Contacts -

Contacts will receive an email on the first business day of each month, notifying that their bill is available in MI Online.

Please list any prior company names including DBA's

Operational Information/Certifications

As per the Private Mortgage Insurer Eligibility Requirements (PMIERs) issued by the GSEs, Radian is required to verify the operational capabilities of all entities it conducts business with. Radian may request Policies and Procedures to verify the following.


Staff Underwriter(s) - Average number years of experience (if applicable).*

Do you use an Automated Underwriting System (AUS)?*

Select Proprietary*

Third Party Origination

Do you currently have a Third Party (Broker/ Correspondent) Origination Channel?*

- If yes, do you maintain and comply with policies and procedures for the approval and monitoring of Third Party Originators?*

Appraisal Management & Monitoring

Do you utilize an appraisal management company?*

Do you maintain and comply with policies and procedures for the approval and oversight of Appraisal Services?*

Quality Control

Do you have a documented Quality Control Policy and Procedures that address the following?

Fraud Prevention Controls

Do you utilize any third party Fraud Prevention tools prior to closing to ensure accuracy and validity of loan application data and loan documentation?*

YES - Provide the Company Name(s) and Fraud Tool(s) you currently subscribe to.

No - Describe how you ensure accuracy and validity of loan application data and loan documentation prior to closing (i.e., red flag checklists, employee training on fraud detection, procedures to address fraud alerts and concerns). Supporting documents/procedures may be requested.*

Are Post-Closing Quality Control reviews completed on a regular basis?*

Describe how Quality Control is monitored and managed. Supporting documents/procedures may be requested.*

GSE/Industry Best Practices

Do you apply GSE/Industry best practices to the policies and procedures listed above?*

Request submitted from a Radian Sales Representative

Authorized Submitting Representative

The following information was received and input by a Radian Sales Representative

Radian Salesperson

Industry Identifiers

(if applicable)


By clicking the “submit” button, I represent to Radian Guaranty Inc. that I am an authorized officer of the entity submitting this application or I am a Radian representative duly authorized to submit this application on behalf of the entity. If Delegated Authority or Early Validation Confident Coverage was selected as part of this application, the entity submitting the application agrees that it has read and understood the terms and conditions of these programs as outlined in Radian’s Origination & Servicing Guide.

Submission of this application does not constitute approval for a Master Policy with Radian or any Master Policy program. Additional information may be requested. If approved, the listed entity contact(s) will receive a welcome email with further information and will automatically be enrolled to receive Radian’s RADAR® Rates (if available in the applicable state).