Woman reviews tablet technology Woman reviews tablet technology


Our broad-ranging expertise gives us unique insight into topics and trends that span the mortgage and real estate spectrum. Filter our collection to find the information that’s relevant to your business and role.

5 Tips for REO Disaster Planning

Read about preventative measures you can take to minimize damage and recover quickly when a natural disaster impacts your properties.

Radian logo and text

Radian Technology in Action

Amid a global pandemic that has accelerated the demand and need for digital products and services, we are at the forefront, delivering new and better ways to manage credit risk and execute real estate transactions.


Meet the Radian Bots

Learn about Robotic Process Automation and the "bots" that assist Radian's operations teams.

Betty Cohen

Risk and Reward: A Women in Housing Special Edition

Radian’s SVP of Enterprise Risk Management shares her insights on trends shaping the industry and advice to young professionals.

Transformation in the Valuation Industry Webinar

Watch our experts help you ensure you are leveraging effective tools to improve the accuracy of your valuations and manage cost.

Title and Technology: How People and Robotics are Working Together to Improve the Title Industry

Read how the title insurance process can be further supported by Robotic Process Automation (RPA) with Attended Bots.

Top Takeaways from the 2019 MBA Annual Convention

Read the top takeaways from the 2019 MBA Annual Convention delivered by the top mortgage and real estate finance industry leaders.

September 2019 Event Takeaways

Read our key takeaways from all September 2019's big events to help you stay well-informed on the latest trends in the industry.

New Valuation Trends Disrupting the Industry eBook

In this free eBook you will learn how advances in technology have led to a new generation of valuation tools and how they impact mortgage professionals.

4 Strategies Servicers Can Utilize to Keep Default Rates Low

Read key strategies servicers can use to keep default rates low in the mortgage landscape of changing regulations and increased transparency.